Even the best roofs need to be replaced after a time. You may have noticed that it needs more repairs recently, but is it time to replace the whole thing?
Since replacing the roof can be quite an investment, it’s not surprising that many people prefer to put it off until it’s absolutely necessary. However, if you have noticed that there are some issues lately, then it may be time.
Here are a few signs that you may need to replace that roof.
Your Roof is Over 20 Years Old
The fact is, if your roof is two decades old, you can’t expect a lot from it. Even if it hasn’t completely broken down or shown signs of doing so, it’s best to replace it before the roof begins to leak. You’ll find it much simpler to resolve problems when you are choosing to manage them, rather than due to an emergency.
Your Roof Looks Terrible
Even if it is not yet leaking, a roof that looks old and weary should be replaced soon. Start planning immediately for the replacement if it’s looking rather shabby, as you may begin to experience complications in the near future.
There Are Missing Shingles
Do you have empty patches on the roof? If your shingles or tiles have cracked and fallen off, it’s time to look at a new roof. You’ll find that these empty areas will allow water into the attic and it can cause some serious problems with the beams and roofing that has not yet fallen off.
The Shingles Are Curled
Curling edges on shingles usually means they are too old and need to be replaced. If it’s just a handful of shingles causing the problem, you may be able to get rid of them and replace just that section. However, once one section begins to deteriorate, the other areas will follow rapidly, so it’s often best to go on and replace the entire roof all at once.
Your Roof Has Moss Growing on It
While moss isn’t necessarily dangerous to your shingles, it is an indication that the roof requires more care. Moss will tend to grow on the roof and then trap moisture against the shingles, which may eventually result in leaks. However, if you see moss growing, it’s a sign that your roof has not been cared for recently.
All of these are signs that you need to think about replacing the roof. It’s best to do this as soon as you see the signs, to prevent further complications, such as wood rot.
Looking for a roofing company you can trust? Contact B&D Roofing for a quote.